Nowadays, when everybody is capable to create or be a brand in a couple of clicks, you end up thinking, do you need an iconic logo before you proceed with the idea? After all, you’ve been exposed to big companies have this sort of graphic icon to represent them. Chances are, you don’t necessarily have to, and the route you should be considering is by simply using your name. I hope this helps you progress in your creative process.
What you’re looking at is creating a Wordmark Logo, wherein the logo itself is made mostly by using a font for ease of typography. Some great examples of this kind of logo is Google, Canon, Fedex, and Sony. The logos are made using text – no dominating icons or imagery. Now when should you consider this? There are many reasons one can personally be subjected to, but here are some points to consider.
When you’re a new business
It’s easier to get your name out there when it’s being read over and over again. More advantageous along this would be if your name’s short. It’s easier to type in, easier to link to, easier to tag with less typos.
When you have a long name
While it’s more ideal to have a short name, a long name never hindered success for the likes of Yves Saint Laurent, Tiffany & Co., and Coca-Cola.
When your name is unique
It’s a route to take especially for other languages, unique spellings, and made-up words.
When you’re an individual
Aiming to be a social media icon or “influencer”? Using your name, whether real or screen, might be something you’d want to consider in a sea of people trying to make it.
Overall, using a wordmark logo approach contributes well into the recall aspect of your business. It’s easier to remember your name if people only have to read it.
It may be a hard thing to decide on, but one thing you should always remember is how you need to start and progress from there. As you evolve and build on your brand, you will eventually find a means and a moment that can open the opportunity for a rebrand and a redesign – just the same way big brands up til now redesign their logos! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried redesigning my own logo, and if I caved into the “I need the perfect logo first” before starting, you won’t be here reading this article.
Going with a wordmark may seem like an easy route to take, and it’s probably because it is, because it could be as easy as choosing a font. One thing you should remember is how you need to pick the right font that could represent your business. Imagine if The New York Times was using the Nickelodeon font – not really that appealing now is it?
There are a couple more factors to consider such as whether you use all caps, use lower cases, the kerning, the color, serif vs sans serif, and the list goes on toward styling it. Whenever you play with the letters, make sure you look from it from afar, and ask yourself if it feels right.
Sometimes, brands tend to go with an already generally-accepted font, and tweak it, or maybe base off it and add a little detail to one of the letters, like the “g” in Logitech, Tesla’s vowels, or how Showtime has the “Sho” encased in a circle to use some negative space. This puts an extra added detail, which differentiates the logo immediately, and contributes well into its uniqueness.
Decided yet? I hope this post, alongside the visual samples, put you one step further into your branding process! Send me an email if your business needs help in the design process towards your logo.