WIP: Threadless City Entry

Can you tell which city this is?

Want to share this design challenge held by Threadless to show off your city in a tshirt design.

I personally want to join in simply to promote a city in the Philippines… the prizes are just bonus things for the likes of us! ;)

It’s still in the works but I’ve practically done the outline pretty well. Now I’ve yet to decide if I go with Illustrator coloring or experiment with Photoshop painting.

But hey, here’s a preview. Can you tell which city this is? :) Will definitely post up a link here to my entry when it’s done.

UPDATE: It’s almost done and currently undergoing final revisions. The image above is a screenshot of part of the project. Heh it’s a giveaway

UDATE #2: It’s been approved by Threadless! Click here, vote and share :)

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