It’s been a while since my last Graphika Manila, and I just thought I’d commemorate this attendance with a post of things I’ve marked in my head. It’s always good to be refreshed and learn more things. Here are a couple of highlights I wanted to share.

DAN MATUTINA @twistedfork
Coincidentally, I’m attending one where Dan’s in it again. Has it been that long? It was 2011 GM. Dan even gave me a little henlo onstage with my old old old logo. I’m glad I was able to snap this 14 years ago, enough for him to use it in the year 2025.

Ideas don’t go directly in one direction. Some of it die, but some get reborn in one way or another. In Dan’s case, it doesn’t just grow by itself, but also grows others around. I love his curation of creative environments around him, that cater and support more budding artists within his circle. It’s inspiring to know he has THAT power to cultivate a purely creative condition in things he does, whether be it with Plus63, Comuna Makati, or just himself with his clients.
Unsurprisingly, I still love the way he presents himself and his ideas.
Death. Just be honest.
Those are basically the key takeaways in Takashi’s segment. Most of what he shared surrounds his influence, what it’s like to work here and there, his day, and how he works at such high profile projects. How it basically boils down to honesty in how you work as yourself, in order to convey your art authentically. Beyond this, he might’ve mentioned his own death a couple of times, which comes as a comedic pass, but I believe he was talking more about what an individual like him can leave behind for the many more years after passing – a legacy.

I was reminded of how nothing is certain but death. But I guess that’s the wonder of life, isn’t it? It’s the fragility and fleeting moments that define its beauty, as opposed to its counterpart which, as far as we know, just ends. I do wish that all of us meet that certain point in all our lives where we can break free from the pressures of what’s pure to us, and do that with the best of intent.
That’s definitely easier said that done, and a tough ask in a world that demands so much of one’s self, but that really is something to think about.

Now that I’m heavily working on LOVE ARMY, it goes without saying I’m thrilled to experience him within arms reach, capture some energy from somebody I look up to in the space of fashion. He mentioned how the late Virgil Abloh influenced his life a lot. I remember fantasizing how I wanted to work with him as one of my goals back then. Then he passed away. RIP Virgil.
Also, a rare Pokemon was cited – his stylist Takeshi “Cherry” Ishida of Cherry Fukuoka!
JOSUE IBANEZ @josue_ibanez
Jump, and a net will appear. I love the way our Mexican cousin, Josue (yup, not Jose, but Jos-weh), presented his thoughts about how he values time, and how he evokes emotion to his audience via immersive design. It’s funny how he inserted Mari-Mar as a common Filipino-Mexican interest.

I’m sure we’ve all played the underdog role, and despite being told the chances are low, especially because bigger names are also in the game, nothing trumps a well-thought out idea presented in a way that speaks to the audience. Amazed by his Tiffany & Co treatment with just 2 photos as a “brief.” I loved how he beat the odds, and just speaks to everybody out there that if he made it happen, you can make it happen too, even it means simply adding “studio” to your last name. (Still funny, Josue).
His presentation reminded me of how back in 2006, I was able to program a webcam, a laptop, and a projector, to trace and project whatever I’m lighting my laser pointer at, resulting in an interactive graffiti projection on any surface. It was part of an art exhibit we made, that enabled anybody to tag on a big 20ft wall, and not deface it after the event. Maybe I was onto something?
There’s no better immersive experience than life itself, so get out there, and craft your path.
ASEO @vincentaseo
Not a speaker for this year’s Graphika Manila, but a GM speaker alumnus nevertheless, I’m glad to finally hang out with Vincent Aseo. It’s funny how we’ve known each other for YEARS now, and have admired each other’s work from afar, but haven’t really managed to hang out until this. On top of it, we actually finished the same course in the same college too.

NOWORKTODAY @cedalcalde
Finally, let me give my friend a good shoutout – character designer and illustrator Ced Alcalde, who was there with me too, and was with me for GM’12. We have now designed DOTA 2 designs together, so you might want to check him out! It’s not often we go to creative events, more so if you put us together, but here we are embracing some new ideas, and discussing thoughts about work.

Is attending Graphika Manila worth it? Hell yeah. I’ve attended it before, and I’d still recommend now, it even if you don’t know who the guest speakers are, or aren’t even in line with their specialty. Definitely a bonus if you’re looking forward to a specific one. If you’ve ever watched ABSTRACT on Netflix, it feels just like that, only in person. Like a TED Talk for creatives.

Overall, I feel like GM does what it does best and refreshes the creativity in one’s soul. I was only able to attend one day (DAY 2), which also comprised of designers like Zipeng Zhu, Marcel Ziul, and Danae Gosset. DAY 1 guested names like Joshua Davis, Adhira Putra, Raco Ruiz, Myka Arnado, Lucho Suarez, and Gerald Feliciano. It’s fun to laugh and be amazed about things all together with likeminded creatives around you. To geek out and hear the oohs and aahs like you would do by yourself, but this time amplified because there are many just like you who relate to things in a more creative level. At some point, it teaches you how you far you may already know, and how farther you can go. Moreover, it reignites that passion in you, and how you can reach even greater heights from where you are right now. That’s how I feel, and I bet it’s a similar feeling to everybody from that crowd of 4000. Hopefully, one day, I get the chance to evoke this same kind of fire and inspire a lot of people too!
Congratulations, Graphika Manila!
That’s 20 years of pure inspiration.
Thank you :)